Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 Best Netflix Characters

9. James Wesley

Appeared On: Daredevil As Wilson Fisk's right-hand man, Wesley could've easily been written as a one-note antagonist. Instead, he became one of the season's biggest scene-stealers. Clever, calculating, and loyal, his friendship with Fisk - despite the superficial master-servant dynamic - was genuine, with his support for Fisk in everything from his budding empire to whether or not to pursue a relationship with Vanessa going a long way towards earning our sympathy for Fisk upon finding his best friend dead. Like Vondie Curtis-Hall, the loss of Toby Leonard Moore from the series was a blow for the simple fact that watching the outwardly non-violent character work his way through the violent world he lived in was so engaging. Losing Wesley felt as though Fisk had been dealt an actual blow instead of just thrown a curveball in the grand scheme of things, and while it'll be interesting to see how he continues to move forward in becoming the Kingpin without Wesley around, his late friend's presence will undoubtedly continue to be missed.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!