Marvel's Daredevil: 18 Problems With Season 2

15. This Show Has An Agenda Against Bathophobiacs

Daredevil Matt Elektra

Daredevil is in not a show for those with Bathophobia, which is basically a fear of hallways combined into a phobia towards depths (‘Bathos’ in Greek means depth).

Could you imagine suffering from this obvious, debilitating fear that would probably hinder you on a daily basis and then watching this show? You would have a fear-induced anaureysm in every single fight scene.

I know that hallways make for great framing devices (Frank’s bloody, brutal and intimate gauntlet in prison being my personal highlight) but the showrunners really need to claim responsibility for all the poor bathophobia sufferers out there.

A hallway in Daredevil is like a shrine for suffering, pain and death. How would this world work if every single hallway was clearly out to get you? Hallways are getting a bad rap and somebody needs to speak up for them 'cause they’re really not all that bad, just a little overzealous when they get one too many tequilas in them.


When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.