Marvel's Daredevil Season 3: 9 Villains That Should Appear

8. Mister Fear

Mister Fear Daredevil
Marvel Comics

There aren't many Marvel villains out there who you could make out to be a carbon copy of a DC creation, but Mister Fear might come close.

Created by Stan Lee and Wally Wood in 1965, the original Mister Fear creates a fear gas that, unsurprisingly, makes everyone's worst nightmare come to life. The version that would make the most sense for the upcoming season would, however, be Larry Cranston - a former classmate of Murdock's law school days and later antagonist in Ed Brubaker's critically revered stint on the character.

This, more sinister looking fearsome foe really had it in for Murdock, going as so far as to frame his then wife, Milla Donovan, for murder. The act drove Milla insane, and would result in the collapse of Murdock's marriage, so yeah, he's not a nice guy, really.

A more unlikely pick for a live action appearance, admittedly, but one that should surely be considered nonetheless.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.