Marvel's Jessica Jones: Everything You Need To Know

6. The Rest Of The Cast's Pretty Great Too

The prospect of seeing an actor as talented and beloved as Tennant sinking his teeth into a proper villain role is an exciting one, as is Colter getting his mainstream breakthrough part in such an iconic black superhero, and Ritter at last getting the lead character she deserves. But that's not to say the rest of the Jessica Jones cast is disappointing. Far from it, in fact. The main cast announced so far includes Empire's Eka Darville as Jones' neighbour, Malcolm, who winds up playing an important part in the overarching story. Erin Moriarty from True Detective plays hope, a client of Alias Investigations, which may involve the comic storyline about a young mutant who runs away from home. Rounding out the rest of the ensemble is Wil Traval as a NYPD cop, and The Matrix's Carrie Anne-Moss as Harper, a character who is described as €œa person in a position of authority who could prove a powerful ally to Jessica€. Expect the Memento star to serve as a surprise celebrity guest star much like Rosario Dawson in Daredevil.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at