Marvel's Jessica Jones: Everything You Need To Know

5. Hellcat Will Make An Appearance

The other big role in Jessica Jones is former Greys Anatomy star Rachael Taylor as Trish €œPatsy€ Walker. Described as €œa syndicated radio talk show host, former model and child TV star€, comic book fans probably known Patsy better as Hellcat €“ a superheroine who first appeared in a romance comic in the forties, being folded in the Marvel U properly. With a history like that, Patsy Walker is giving Captain America competition for the oldest comic character joining the MCU. And whilst the current details suggest that she, too, has mostly left behind her superhero career, expect some appearances from Hellcat €“ apparently she €œhelps Jessica embark on the most dangerous case of her career€. From the sounds of it, Hellcat will be acting in much the same way she did in the recent She-Hulk series, where she did the slightly more dicey work the green-skinned lawyer couldn't. As a former model herself, Rachael Taylor sounds like some smart casting. Exec producer Melissa Rosenberg again agrees she can be both €œa star and a powerhouse€.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at