Marvel's Jessica Jones: Everything You Need To Know

4. Melissa Rosenberg Is Showrunner

Who is this Rosenberg figure who keeps popping up, anyway? Whilst she's sharing executive producing duties with Marvel television boss Jeph Loeb, Melissa Rosenberg is the sole showrunner of Jessica Jones, means she's ultimately responsible for the overall story arc, feel, and rhythm of the series. Is she any good? Well, hopefully. Her TV work is considerably more reassuring than her big screen fare, with Rosenberg nominated for two Emmy Awards and two Writers Guild of America Awards for her work as a staff writer for superior (and geek-friendly) teen soap The OC, before moving on to become head writer on Dexter. She left before the terrible finale, not her fault! On the screenwriting front, meanwhile, Rosenberg is responsible for the scripts to all of the Twilight films. Yeesh. To be fair to her, though, she managed to turn some of the most hackneyed and poorly-written prose ever published into something that just about resembled a professional film. She's probably better when the source material's good.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at