Marvel's Jessica Jones: Everything You Need To Know

3. It'll Tie Into The Rest Of The Netflix Series

Even though Jessica Jones isn't nearly as well-known a name as Daredevil, fans will be excited about the show because it's the second part in a multi-step plan Marvel have for their Netflix shows. Daredevil set up the world (and the Hell's Kitchen setting) which will be continued in Jessica Jones, and characters from the former show will probably appear. Once Jessica Jones is wrapped, however, it will presumably lead straight into the Luke Cage miniseries on Netflix, with Mike Colter's character already introduced. And that bunch of episodes will then begat Iron Fist, Cage's kung-fu comic book partner who makes up the final piece of the Netflix MCU puzzle. Much like the first phase of Marvel movies all added up to the first Avengers film, all of these Netflix series are supposed to eventually combine €“ Megazord-style €“ into the Defenders. As Daredevil and co are the street-level equivalents of Iron Man, Captain America et al, the Defenders will be the street-level Avengers. And Jessica's with them.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at