MCU: 10 Comic Stories We Want To See In Marvel's What If...?

8. Something From Larval Earth

What if marvel
Marvel Comics

The Larval Earth is the goofy, anthropomorphic universe which is most famous (thanks in no small part to Into The Spider-Verse) for bringing us Spider-Ham. However, the porcine web slinger is by no means the only character in there, and an animated show could really let Marvel explore.

Because of potential contract or licensing issues and due to him already being tied up with Spiderverse, we can probably assume that, if we get a Laval Earth show, it won’t be featuring Peter Porker.

Fear not though, Larval Earth has you covered no matter who your favourite is. Captain America? Known here as Captain Americat. Daredevil? He’s Deerdevil now, and quite literally a no eye deer.

There’s also Galactapus (a platypus, not a pussy cat), Mooster Fantastic, Ducktor Doom, Croc Strange, Goose Rider and Hulkbunny; that last one does feel like they haven’t tried as much though.

Obviously we’ll never get anything even remotely like this in the MCU, so it’s really now or never with What If. After the success of John Mulaney’s Spider-Ham though, Disney and Marvel are surely aware of the marketing opportunities an Anthony Mackie voiced Captain Americat offers.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)