MCU: 10 Comic Stories We Want To See In Marvel's What If...?

6. A-Next... But With The Secondary Cast

What if marvel
Marvel Studios

Similar to MJ, A-Next could take inspiration from the comics but use the existing MCU heroes in the comics books’ stead.

A-Next were the next Avengers after the originals disbanded, and featured a lot of tributes to the originals, such as American Dream (a female Captain America) and Freebooter (a strange cross between Hawkeye and Swordsman).

We all know who the 6 OG Avengers are in the MCU, with Scarlet Witch hopping aboard after, and lets leave out Spider-Man, Captain Marvel and Black Panther too. A common theory is that if Avengers as an entity returns in the MCU, these three will be stepping up alongside Hulk and Thor.

They’re some of the biggest names, hit key demographics and were the ones entrusted to carry the Infinity Gauntlet in Endgame.

What If there was an A-Next made up of the more minor heroes though? The likes of War Machine, Korg, Okoye, Nebula, Rescue and what the heck, let’s even throw Howard The Duck in there and see what happens.

One of the most under appreciated things in Endgame was War Machine and Nebula’s dynamic, so let’s hope Marvel returns to that in some way in the future.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)