MCU: 10 Comic Stories We Want To See In Marvel's What If...?

5. The West Coast Avengers

What if marvel
Marvel Comics

The West Coast Avengers may well be introduced to the MCU Hawkeye’s spin off Disney+ show, with either the original team being trained by Hawkeye himself or Kate Bishop bringing in the current team.

If that’s the case, then What If might be better off avoiding muddying the waters. If they do go for it though, they’d be better off going full throttle than half baking it. This means the question shouldn’t just be What If the West Coast Avengers were around, but What If there was only the West Coast Avengers around.

Basically, what if instead of Iron Man and Captain America at the centre of the MCU, it was the West Coast heroes instead?

The original lineup features War Machine (initially posing as Iron Man), Vision and Hawkeye, as well as Wonder Man, Mockingbird and Tigra. Moon Knight, the Thing, Hank Pym and Firebird, amongst others, all join at later dates too.

However, the current team is ran by Kate Bishop, and includes Gwenpool, America Chavez, Kid Omega and Fuse.

The Battle Of New York might have been very different with any combination of this lot involved instead.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)