MCU: 10 Comic Stories We Want To See In Marvel's What If...?

3. Avengers Vs X-Men

What if marvel
Marvel Comics

This is last Avengers What If on the list, and it’s one that some optimistic fans argue could still happen in the MCU proper. Kevin Feige, the tease that he is, wedged ‘mutants’ in at just the last second at SDCC, but offered no further comment.

With Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster getting Mjolnir, Mahershala Ali getting cast as Blade and the extra details on What If, the mutants announcement has been lost in the shuffle. Naturally, the more concrete announcements have gotten more press.

How they introduce mutants is still a mystery. Have they been hiding in relatively plain sight all this time? Is Scarlet Witch still a mutant in the MCU’s continuity? Will the Snap/Blip have unleashed mutating radiation to give birth to the X-Men? There’s a lot of speculation, but no answers.

However, it’s fair to say that Avengers Vs X-Men, built on a long standing history of X-Men and Cyclops’ well established arc, is a long shot at best for the MCU.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)