MCU: 10 Comic Stories We Want To See In Marvel's What If...?

2. The Original Guardians Of The Galaxy

What if marvel
Marvel Studios

The original Guardians Of The Galaxy lineup featured in one of the (many) post credit scenes for Guardians Of The Galaxy, Vol 2, and they are on the horizon to appear as the franchise moves forward.

However, with the James Gunn firing and rehiring debacle, Guardians 3 is now way off schedule, with Gunn committing to filming The Suicide Squad first. This means that while original Guardians will be in the MCU at some point, it’s a long way off.

With that in mind, What If could help bridge the gaps.

Gunn has said he wants to flesh out Yondu more, so any episodes will have to tread carefully on the backstory he wants to establish.

Even if it avoids Yondu, an episode dealing with Starhawk, Charlie-27, Mainframe and Aleta Ogord and Krugar would add more depth to the wider cosmic world. With stars like Sylvester Stallone, Ving Rhames, Miley Cyrus and Michelle Yeoh involved, there’s a lot of talent on offer there too.

The Guardians have proved to be the surprise hit of the MCU, so enriching the world around them seems sensible for all concerned.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)