MCU: 10 Netflix Mistakes The Disney Plus TV Shows MUST Avoid

8. Defying Reason In The Silliest Manner Possible

Loki Daredevil

All of the Netflix Marvel shows were guilty of this, good and bad alike. At some point, somewhere, something ridiculously unbelievable happened. And not in a good way.

The list includes waking up in a hospital from a coma and breaking immediately into romantic dialogue, entering a volatile firing zone armed with nothing but a handgun a bulletproof vest and a flashy suit, getting shot or loosing an arm only to soldier on like it hardly happened, infiltrating a moving truck and instigating a shootout without the driver seeming to even notice...

And all of these things were done by ordinary people and not the super-powered main characters, and the result made for some awkwardly silly television within a supposedly grounded and gritty setting. Adhering to the laws of science and sensibility within a fantasy context was what the MCU mastered so well, particularly in the Captain America and Iron Man films. Disney Plus need to take a leaf out of their books and disregard some of the ludicrous plot points conjured up by Netflix during their Marvel stint.


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at