MCU: 10 Worst Netflix Characters

3. The Meachums - Iron Fist

The Punisher Agent Orange
David Giesbrecht/Netflix

Iron Fist's protagonist isn't the only problem with the show. Even when Danny Rand isn't hogging the screen, we're stuck with the Meachums, all three of whom fail to hold our attention.

First of all, Iron Fist makes the mistake of thinking we can't get enough of the boardroom drama involving Danny trying to reclaim his company, Rand Industries, from his childhood friends Joy and Ward, who have been running it in his absence. It might not be too bad if the pair worked as characters but their allegiances shift so much over the season that all sense of motivation and personality is lost.

On top of that, the duo's father Harold Meachum takes on central villain duties. Just like his kids, there's little consistency to the character as the writers do whatever they like with him to draw out the plot. Though not so egregiously bad as another villain who will be discussed shortly, David Wenham isn't given enough to work with to make him a compelling antagonist.

And, as we know by now, any villain connected to the Hand is never going to cut it.


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