MCU What If...? - 10 Biggest Takeaways From Episode 4

2. The Darkest Episode Yet

What If...? Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios

There has been a wide range of tone shown across the first four episodes of What If…? so far. Episode one had a familiar superhero feel to it, while episode two was a lot brighter and more fun, something very reminiscent of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Episode three took a much darker turn as five of the original members of the Avengers were murdered, yet this was nothing compared to episode four. Doctor Strange was heartbreakingly forced to live through his love dying over and over no matter what he did, and that was just the beginning.

Strange’s descent into madness was played out against a much darker background, with even the character’s appearance sending a chill through the bones. His shape shifted with all the beings he absorbed, as everyone and everything around him started to bleed black into insignificance.

The episode ended with Strange still unable to save Christine, as the entire universe around him perished. This was an unexpected and chilling conclusion that left fans in awe of what they had just seen, and couldn’t have been further from T’Challa's adventures through space just two episodes before.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.