How I Met Your Mother: 25 Best Moments From The Finale

23. The Final €œYou SONOFABITCH€

Looking like rather underplayed catchphrase next to "legendary" and "suit up", Lily€™s exclamation in times of dire frustration gets its final appearance in the most fitting of fashions; when her and Marshall discover Ted hasn€™t gone to Chicago because of another girl, she growls €œyousonofabitch€ (pronunciation: you-son-of-a-beetch), only to pull it back when she realises it's Tracy Ted's breaking his promise for. As her and Marshall are so approving of the girl€™s identity, you feel this may be the last time she chastises Ted for a bad decision. At the very least it€™s the last time in the show and thus ends one of the more subtle running gags.

22. The Mother Dies

After two kids, a belated wedding and some unseen arguments, Ted and Tracy€™s story is cut abruptly short when she falls terminally ill. Shown as a short vignette of a bedridden Tracy being read to by Ted, it€™s the depressing ending we€™d all feared. Placing quite low on the list, primarily because it was actually rather downplayed in the episode itself, this had been foreshadowed heavily in previous weeks, although we doubt many of the theorists who guessed it were happy to be proven right. Miliotti was a surprise delight as the much-anticipated title character, so seeing even snapshots of her dying was a difficult sight to watch.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.