How I Met Your Mother: 5 Great Things From The 200th Episode

5. The Emotion

Right from the start of the episode, the emotion started off with a bang as it took on a surprisingly somber tone. It started with the usual cheer any How I Met episode has, but all it took was one look from The Mother as she heard the worst news of her life to turn that cheer around. This scene in particular was strong because audiences only saw The Mother's shocked face and heard one sentence of the conversation, her saying "Yes, this is she", before cutting to her home as she finds the present her deceased boyfriend planned on giving her. This death hung in the air and provided much of the emotional backbone of the episode, driving The Mother's story. The emotion didn't let up and climaxed with the great scene where The Mother finally breaks her silence to Max about her need to move on. It was a heartbreaking scene as she acknowledged this feeling, but couldn't follow through without feeling as if she's betraying his memory. Needless to say this was a surprisingly emotional episode for such a tremendous milestone. If there is one thing How I Met Your Mother has excelled at though, its giving its audience very well done emotional stories which strike a chord without being too preachy or beating the dead horse.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.