Midnight Mass: 10 Best Characters Ranked

1. Father Paul

Midnight Mass

Father Paul deserves to go down in history as one the absolute greatest modern characters.

When Father Paul talks, whenever he gives one of his multiple monologues, you listen. Even if you don't buy a word he's saying, even if don't have a single religious or spiritual bone in your body you will simply be unable to resist him. His gravitas acts almost like a tractor beam, pulling you into his orbit whether you like it or not. The guy just knows how to talk in a way that demands your absolute attention.

However, that's only half of the reason he's such a perfect character. The other half lies in the motive behind his actions. Everything he did was in hope that somehow he could save Mildred, the woman he loved more than anything, from a slow, painful death. All the chaos and carnage that ensued was the result of this one selfish desire, which is exactly what makes him feel so damn human.

When he removes his collar to truly be with the woman he damned an entire community for in their last seconds alive, it is a moment of pure, poetic tragedy. This one small act encapsulates everything at the heart of Midnight Mass, as, at its core, it's a story about the moments of grace we manage to find at the crossroad where grief and love intersect.


Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.