Money Heist: 10 Most Insane Fan Theories

1. Alicia’s Ultimate Goal Was To Join The Professor All Along

Money Heist

Ok fine, this is just plain ridiculous. Alicia Sierra has without a doubt been the most loathsome character on the entire show. The things she did to Rio, the way she went about trying to capture the gang, and the general menace she generated in every single scene, made her one of the most easiest to hate characters of all time. But, what if it was all one big ruse?

Throughout the show, despite being hellbent on catching the robbers, Alicia displays a reckless sense of abandon toward her role. She doesn’t care how far she has to go in order to achieve her objective, even if it means jeopardizing her position. This eventually comes back to bit her, when her gruesome torture of Rio is revealed to the whole world.

She is then relieved of her duties and is left to face legal proceedings. At which point she goes off on her own, eventually finding herself in a situation where she has to ally with the Professor. While this may seem like karma doing its thing, what if Alicia kept pushing her luck intentionally, hoping for things to go like this, so the Professor would come to regard her as a potential ally because of her desperate situation. The fact she went into childbirth during their confrontation, was yet another handout from fate, helping her achieve her real goal.

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Money Heist
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After battling Galactus and pinning Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlemania, I've taken a break from living in fantasy worlds, to focus on writing about them. I'm a comic book geek, a wrestling mark, a break dancer, and a scientist. One of those things may not be true.