Moon Knight: Every Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Taweret

Moon Knight Marc Spector
Marvel Studios

To say the CGI in the first episode was well below par, Moon Knight almost made up for it entirely with the design and execution of Taweret’s character. As something of a personified hippopotamus walking upright with many human features, this could have proved impossible to bring to life, but Marvel somehow managed to do it justice.

After the shock of seeing her at the end of episode four, the Goddess of Women and Children played a much bigger role in episode five in guiding Marc and Steven to the afterlife.

It’s fair to say that she was at the opposite end of the spectrum compared to the other Egyptian gods in the series. While Khonshu was given a ridiculous voice that robbed him of much of his would-be intimidating presence, Taweret spoke with the soft, high pitched voice of a normal human. She was as normalized as a hippo could be, and her nerves while reading her speech and performing her duties immediately endeared her to the audience.

A wonderful character, who came out of her shell even more with Layla as her avatar, Taweret brought a certain innocence to Moon Knight, and really the only comic relief outside of Steven Grant.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.