Mr. Robot: 10 Best Episodes

8. eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf

Eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf comes right in the middle of the first season and what a heartbreaker this one is. Although we know that Elliot's life is an absolute mess, it's quickly established that his neighbour/drug dealer, Shayla, is quite fond of him. However, she's associated with some bad people, specifically the extremely creepy and dangerous Fernando Vera, which puts her and Elliot in a bad situation.

After an extremely disturbing situation in Shayla's apartment in a previous episode, Elliot takes matters into his own hands and tries to get Vera and his gang locked up using an anonymous tip. Although Vera ends up in jail, that doesn't mean that either Shayla or Elliot are safe as we find out in this episode.

Vera kidnaps Shayla and forces Elliot to find a way to get him out of prison using a hack to get her back. While he succeeds and gets him out, we find out that it was actually Vera's brother, Isaac, who put him in jail, resulting in Vera instructing his henchman to kill him.

However, the twist in the story is when Elliot is told that Shayla has been with him all along. It turns out that she was killed and placed in the trunk of the car that Elliot was riding in all along.

It's a dark twist that really set the tone early on in the season that anything can happen in this show.

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Mr Robot
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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.