My Hero Academia: 10 Insane Events Coming To The Anime
8. Retiring Heroes
In the series, All Might retires after defeating All For One in a massive battle, going out in perhaps the best way possible given his deteriorating body. He fought 'til the very end, and even without his muscle form the Symbol of Peace continues the good fight when times get hard.
Not so other heroes, who one by one begin quitting and retiring after a horrific event of mass death and the terrible, apocalyptic aftermath makes many of them give up their careers.
Stain's sentiments about false heroes are proven true when, even without any major injuries that might force them off the battlefield, many heroes simply give up their positions and walk away - even stalwarts like the very first hero we see in the series, Death Arms, and Top 10 hero Yoroi Musha.
It's understandable on a human level for these heroes to step down, no longer able to handle the unprecedented toll of one of their world's worst calamities. It does, however, feel like a slap in the face when considering how many heroes gave up their lives for others, and how many continue to fight even when things seem hopeless.