Netflix's Friends From College Review: 2 Ups And 4 Downs


4. Inconsistent Characters

Friends From College

The heroes of the sitcom are 40-year-old Harvard graduates. They should be smart, sharp and well paid. Only the latter is true, and only partially. They're supposed to be these lost adults, who never actually grew up. Couldn't they have attended a worse school? Their behavior clearly indicates that they are not well educated, nor learned, as proven by the vocabulary they use, as well as lack of very basic information.

How are they able to hold down their jobs is beyond confusing. Ethan once shared a table with Jonathan Franzen who, apart from his controversial opinion about the Internet, is an intellectual giant, especially when compared to his colleague. Ethan is the best example of an inconsistent character - one time he's quoting Kant, the other he fails to understand the nature of werewolves.

The show seems to neglect the need to build-up a character. Like in Orange is the New Black all types of jokes are able to land thanks to great character creation, here some of the actual good ones fail because the characters aren't able to properly "sell" them.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.