Netflix's Friends From College Review: 2 Ups And 4 Downs

3. Ethan

Friends From College

Ethan deserves a whole entry devoted to him, because of the way he's constructed. Clearly he's the most inconsistent of the bunch, since he's an acclaimed writer, yet at time acts so dumb and speaks such nonsense that it's hard to find the character believable, let alone entertaining.

Yes, the whole idea of the show is that Ethan is the biggest douche in the crew. His jokes are bad, he acts like an ass, etc. Why then is the viewer forced to spend so much time with him, when in real life he/she would avoid a person like that at all costs?

The worst part about Ethan however are his voices and impressions, which are so annoying that it's easy to feel nostalgic for his usual repertoire of shouts and exuberant gestures.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.