Netflix's Gypsy Review: 2 Ups And 6 Downs
2. Jean Sucks At Therapy
At some point Jean says to her husband: "You don't know the first thing about therapy." Well, to be honest she doesn't know a lot either. In no way is she capable of helping her patients. Her meddling actually makes things worst for them. She puts Allison into her apartment, but doesn't hide her personal notes, which leads Allison to doubt Jean's therapeutic abilities. When it comes to Sam, Jean is clearly using him to get information on Sidney, rather than helping him cope with the breakup.
Instead of restraining her emotions and getting through to people through intelligent conversations, she's impulsive, unable to bite her tongue when necessary. She lets Sidney play with her emotions far too many times someone of her profession would allow. She also allows jealousy to interfere in her relationship with her husband. The man is a saint, yet she constantly overuses his goodness - something a skilled therapist just wouldn't allow herself to do.