Netflix Cowboy Bebop: 5 Things We’re Excited For (And 5 We’re Worried About)

Worried About...

5. Will The Humour Translate?

Cowboy Bebop Funny
TV Tokyo

The comedy in Cowboy Bebop is so quirky and unique, making it a significant part of the appeal. There are entire episodes that are simply there to establish a punchline to a joke (Toys in the Attic being a great example), and thus, you know that's something the new adaptation needs to keep in mind.

However, the animation and generally rough around the edges vibe of the original show was a major factor in what helped make the humour work. It felt irreverent and goofy, as the characters lanky designs and high energy was well-thought-out.

For this show to feel like a spiritual counterpart, it needs to include the funny parts, but the live-action medium might struggle with that. Seeing the characters with physical actors will probably detract from the humour, as they'll focus on believability over energy, and that could leave the gags floating high and dry.

Overall, Cowboy Bebop is self-aware, and if this show doesn't take the same approach, then the comedy isn't going to land. Can we really trust Netflix to juggle being subtle and thoughtful whilst also being self-deprecating and over-the-top?


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!