Netflix's The Order: 12 Questions That Must Be Answered In Season 2

11. What Is Vera's Plan For Jack And The Knights?

The Order Questions

While Alyssa's sudden betrayal in the graveyard may come as a momentary shock, Jack's removal from The Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose is strongly foreshadowed by his final conversation with Vera. She tells him directly that, if he doesn't choose between the Order and the Knights, the choice will be made for him. Later, just prior to her betrayal, Alyssa implies that she and Jack may soon become enemies.

Usually, those expelled from the Order lose only their memories of the Order itself. Jack, however, appears to have entirely lost his identity. Vera may have simply decided that any connection to his past could lead him back to Edward Coventry, thus reigniting his interest in the Order. There may, however, be much more at play.

Given Vera's cunning nature, she would be unlikely to overlook the fact that Jack is still champion of the Midnight hide. All it takes is a burst of emotions (the trigger for Midnight's transformation) or the sound of magic ringing to send Jack right back into the world of the supernatural. Assuming she's thought this far ahead, her motivation for such an extreme memory wipe remains unclear.

That said, Jack is not necessarily the most urgent concern. While the mass memory wipe at the end of Season 1 leaves the fates of all heroes remaining in the balance, the Knights of Saint Christopher appear to be in a particularly precarious position.

While Jack is left in the graveyard to ponder his name, the Knights are last seen unconscious in the Order's custody. Randall is dragged into a dorm room by an unseen Order member. Lilith is left with Diego, the Order member now sporting Jurgen Sawyer's body. When Hamish passes out at the bar, a number of patrons in the background immediately spring to their feet. In addition to ransacking the Knights' reliquary, it appears very likely that Vera has arranged to have the Knights abducted. The only question is why.


Kieran enjoys overanalyzing and arguing about pop culture, believing that heated debates can (and should) be had in good fun. He currently lives in Fort Worth, TX, where he spends his time chatting with strangers on the bus and forcing them to look at pictures of his dog.