Netflix's YOU: Every Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Candace Stone

Netflix You Peach

The mysterious 'first girl' who dominates the entire atmosphere of the first season of the show with her unknown fate, Candace was Joe's ex-girlfriend who never learned to leave a murderous stalker alone.

The woman who helped truly unleash Joe's obsessive and toxic tendencies by cheating on and refusing to get back with him, Candace's shock arrival at Mooney's Bookstore in the first season's final scene was meant to be the ultimate moment of karma, however the show's decision to have her pop up halfway through the second season ruins almost everything the character had built up.

She tracks Joe down to LA, but then it feels like the writers were really caught in limbo over how they wanted her to be portrayed. She pops up sporadically, engages in this deadly cat-and-mouse game with Joe where she's constantly goading and threatening him, without really ever doing anything.

Her attitude isn't particularly relatable and the way she interacts with Forty and his family makes her pretty unlikeable on the whole. It feels like she was shoehorned in to tie up some loose ends ahead of season three, as well as supplying that shocking moment courtesy of Love Quinn.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.