Netflix's YOU: Every Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Forty Quinn

Netflix You Peach

The troubled brother of Love in season two, Forty Quinn is introduced as the embodiment of everything that Joe hates about Los Angeles and the people living its lifestyle. It's hard to pinpoint why exactly Forty takes such a liking to Joe in the series, besides the fact that they're two of the main characters and the show needs them together, especially when throughout the season Joe essentially treats him with complete indifference.

But there's more to Forty than what meets the eye, and his development throughout the season is perhaps the most volatile and tragic the show has ever produced. He goes from egocentric, cocky and selfish in the first few episodes, to a figure constantly on the wrong end of things and unable to see he's being played by pretty much everyone, to one of the few genuinely good forces left in the show and someone who can actually see Joe for who he is by the end.

Some of these developments work better than others, and the character come across as pretty unlikeable and unbelievable at times, but there's a certain rawness to Forty that is exposed over the course of the season which really makes for a gripping viewing once he hits his stride.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.