Netflix's YOU: Every Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Peach Salinger

Netflix You Peach

Peach is another complex character to try and unwrap from season one of the show. She's introduced as being affluent and all too aware of it, enjoying a ridiculously lavish lifestyle and basically steering Beck and their friendship group along with her.

From the second she meets Joe she has a distrust of him that only grows as the series goes on. She is constantly badmouthing him to Beck and constantly trying to keep them apart by keeping her friend to herself.

Ultimately she's proven right about Joe, just not necessarily for the right reasons.

Joe remarks that he can see a cruelty in Peach that makes her apparently dangerous to Beck, and he's not particularly wrong either with 'Peaches' constantly belittling and showing a real lack of empathy to the people around her.

It turns out that Peach also has the hots for Beck, which is probably the reason for her instant disliking of Joe, and she attempts to seduce her friend a good few times despite her being in a relationship. Ultimately the deadly cat-and-mouse game Peach and Joe play against each other is a compelling watch, there's just no good 'guy' so to speak of in it.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.