Obi-Wan Kenobi Part VI Review: 9 Ups & 1 Down

9. It's A Happy Ending

Darth Vader Mask Brightened

Perhaps the most refreshing aspect of Obi-Wan's finale is that it presents audiences with a happy ending, wherein all its main characters are granted the opportunity to ride off into the sunset with smiles on their faces.

Of course, this happiness isn't going to last considering the events of A New Hope and beyond, but the performances and execution of the final act make it seem like everything is going to be okay.

For a little while, at least, Obi-Wan, Leia, Luke and their families did have some peace of mind, which is great to see considering how traumatic the Star Wars saga actually is.

Sure, it's not all happy, but the final scenes make you think that everything will work out, despite the overwhelming tragedy still to come.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.