Orange Is The New Black Season 2: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

5. The Fate Of Pennsatucky

Like, seriously, how will they resolve that last scene? We see Piper in the teaser coming out of solitary confinement, having been in there long enough to make it €œfeel like home." Obviously she would€™ve had some sort of retribution for attacking another inmate, but Pennsatucky is conspicuously absent from the clip, even though we see her meth-head friends. We know that Pennsatucky isn€™t dead (thankfully - what would the world be without one of TV€™s most awful villains now that Joffrey€™s gone?) and the actress who portrays her, Taryn Manning has confirmed that season 2 has upgraded her to season regular. As Piper evidently beat the crap out of her, in theory Pennsatucky will be a bit less horrendous and there have been hints that we€™ll continue to see a multi-faceted picture of her. This will definitely be beneficial as she is a character whose motives can be quite difficult to pin down. They say there€™s a thin line between love and hate, so perhaps in time Piper can break out of her triangle and find her only love springing from her only hate in little Tiffany. But probably not.

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.