Orange Is The New Black Season 2: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

4. Healy€™s Exposure

You know something€™s got to go down now that Healy€™s so blatantly neglected his duty of care. He was treading a fine line telling Larry why Piper was in solitary at Thanksgiving and has already been reprimanded for his unprofessional behaviour, particularly surrounding Piper. Having left Piper when she was begging to help, seeing that Pennsatucky was attacking her with a shiv, Healy€™s got hell to pay. It€™s unclear whether this retribution will come from prison authorities (if they get told), or from within the prison itself. In the teaser Piper calls herself a lone wolf, and threatens an unknown entity, €œdon€™t make me rip your throat out." Piper€™s attack on Pennsatucky at the end of season one demonstrated how prison has changed her, and how she has hardened over her incarceration. Finding that she can fend for herself, by kicking Pennsatucky€™s ass, will surely extend that. Piper had already shown that she was a queen of emotional bullying when she convinced Pennsatucky that she was performing miracles, and now we know she€™s pretty hardcore generally too. Healy needs to pay for his actions, and if this comes from Piper herself we can be sure that it€™s going to be pretty dark.

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.