Ozark: 10 Most Disturbing Moments

7. Carl Kills Anita

Season three's exploration into the Byrde's casino growth saw them overcome various challenges - one of them, was particularly interesting to watch.

Carl and Anita were as stubborn with each other as they were with the Byrdes, and after Wendy and Ruth's genius plan to force them to sell their casino goes better than expected, Carl and Anita go on a little hike to contemplate their options.

Carl and Anita's debate quickly spans into hurtful words, where Anita goads and pokes at Carl's pride, intelligence and gumption. Carl flings his wrist, catches Anita, and sends her flying down a hill into a lake It should be played for laughs (and it kind of is with a sickening crack). And a shocked Carl should at that point call for an ambulance or collapse in horror at accidentally killing his wife.

Instead, Carl checks for witnesses, and then walks away. It's shocking to see something so criminal not be driven by the Byrdes; the scene is tense because from what we saw before, Carl didn't seem like a vindictive man- and the act itself was obviously an accident.

Makes you wonder if other folks in the Ozarks are just as opportunistic.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!