Ozark: 10 Most Disturbing Moments
2. Del Gouges His Financial Adviser's Eyes Out

In the season one episode 'Kaleidoscope'; a flashback to 2007 shows how Marty and the Cartel business started. Things already seem suspect when Marty suggests to Del that the person currently bookkeeping the Cartel's finances might be skimming from the top. After some back and forth, and moral quandaries throughout the episode, Marty and his partner Bruce agree to be Del's financial advisors.
Things couldn't be better, as viewers see Del hold Marty in an admirable position of respect- which is a far cry from what was shown in the first episode.
There is of course a previous bookkeeper to deal with; and so commences a superbly disturbing scene in which Del calmly reveals how he knew Louis was not only stealing from the Cartel, but informing for the FBI. The strangulation, and then eye-gouging of Louis takes place in front of terrified Marty and Bruce- whose reactions certainly mirror the audience.
Del's calmness throughout the whole scene makes it all the more scary, and while Bruce and Marty hold back their horror, what really puts the boot in is the eyeballs being casually placed in a glass of water and placed on the pool table. Like it's a completely normal thing, and we're the weird ones for getting freaked out about it.