Person Of Interest Season 3: 10 Major Improvements On Season 2

5. Compelling Antagonists

Person of Interest has had no lack of villains or antagonists throughout its run; after all, every episode has dealt with the POI team attempting to prevent one murder or another. The huge difference this season, however, was getting very strong and compelling antagonists to recur throughout the season. Gone were the generic corrupt cops of HR as Control and the agency tasked with using and protecting The Machine really came out from the curtain to embrace Season 3's spotlight. The same can be said for Decima who, after having a small presence in Season 2, came back in full force by drawing a clear line between the heroes and villains. In between those two camps was Vigilance, a group fighting against the surveillance Big Brother state, fully believing they were true patriots. The addition of Peter Collier, played by Leslie Odom Jr., was a great one as he was not only charismatic, but somewhat sympathetic as their reasons for fighting against the government were well sounded. After all, even Finch and Shaw agreed with their beliefs, but not their methods. Vigilance, however, paled in comparison to the threat that was Decima and Greer, especially after the events of the finale where it was revealed Greer had been behind Vigilance all along in order to further his own goals. Even Control, who previously showed she was a hardcore, no-nonsense boss as she tortured Root, wound up being sympathetic in the finale. Greer has completely taken his place as the big bad of Person of Interest with his organisation now in control of a rival machine and will no doubt play a huge part next year.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.