Person Of Interest Season 3: 10 Major Improvements On Season 2

4. Utilizing Current Events

Person of Interest is built around the idea of the government and one man in particular building a machine that sees everything and, using a person€™s social media, phone records, behaviour, etc, is able to predict whether or not they€™ll be involved in a violent act, big or small. It€™s a grand premise which seems too unrealistic to ever happen in the real world, but the events of last summer€™s NSA scandal really brought home the idea of the surveillance state for everyone. Edward Snowden€™s leak of information regarding the NSA's wire-tapping activities and hacking into people's emails not only shocked the world, but made shows and movies like Person of Interest much more plausible. Snowden was even mentioned a couple times throughout the season as Finch or Control talked about the public€™s opinion on government surveillance. Even social media platforms and the controversy surrounding their privacy policies got a shout out in €˜Nothing to Hide€™, the debut episode of Vigilance. In the episode, they targeted the leader of a Facebook-like social media site who didn€™t care too much about people€™s privacy and inadvertently ruined some of their lives because of his disregard. Using real world events and topics not only improved the show€™s overall quality, but really emphasised how much this world reflects our own.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.