Person Of Interest Season 3: 10 Major Improvements On Season 2

3. Espionage/Sci-Fi Thriller

Again, Person of Interest began as a typical procedural with the POI team solving mysteries on a weekly basis and only touched upon its overarching story every so often. Season 2 kick-started its transition into a spy show, but Season 3 fully took it away from a procedural, converting it into a true espionage thriller. The show became much more about spies and government conspiracies than it did about stopping ordinary crimes, even with its focus on HR in the first half of the season. In the later episodes of Season 3, Person of Interest became a cat and mouse game between the POI team, Control, Vigilance and Decima as they performed moves and countermoves against each other. One notable aspect of the season was how Person of Interest began dipping its foot into science fiction territory as well with the awakening of rival AI Samaritan. It was hard not to hear echoes of Terminator€™s Skynet as Finch warned Greer in the season€™s penultimate episode about the dangers of giving a machine too much power and independence, as it could one day decide all lives were irrelevant. Another notable, and very cool, addition was Root€™s decision to plug a transmitter into her damaged ear so she could hear everything The Machine had to say without any kind of interference, almost making her a prototype cyborg of some kind. Person of Interest is a spy show at its heart, but it is very intriguing how the writers are playing around with sci-fi elements now and raises the question of how much more science fiction they€™ll utilise next year.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.