Picard – 10 Past Clues To What Could Happen Next (& Where To Find Them)

9. Where Is Lore?

Data Lore Picard
Paramount Pictures

TNG's The Descent, Part II is critical to what’s unfolding in Picard. The crew discover that Lore, Data’s evil twin, is leading a group of Borg who are disconnected from the collective. In brief, Data goes evil, Hugh leads a rebellion against Lore’s cruel leadership, Data goes good again, Lore is defeated and dismantled, and Hugh is left to lead the Borg refugees.

There is a lot to take from this. Firstly, in Picard, Lore is unaccounted for. When Dr Jurati shows Picard the dismantled android at The Daystrom Institute, there seems no question that it is B4, Data’s defective brother. However, Lore is not mentioned. As far as we know, the dismantled Lore is in the possession of Starfleet, but where is he? Could he have found his way back into the galaxy? He could certainly show up before long.

Secondly, when we last saw Hugh, he was not best pleased with the Enterprise crew. He was understandably bitter that they liberated him from the collective then abandoned him to the horrors of re-assimilation. Hugh is yet to encounter Picard but when he does, they may not be on the same side.


Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.