Preacher: 10 Scenes That Must Appear In TV Series

9. All In The Family (Vol. 4)

Preacher Grandmother Marie It's not so much a particular moment involving Jesse's family that needs including but rather the whole sub-plot about his past and having them as an ever present threat hanging over his head that would be a fantastic way to drive the story forward. Whenever Grandma Marie L'Angelle rocks up with her equally dangerous associates Jody and T.C. you can guarantee there's going to be brutality, and more often than not someone's getting locked inside a coffin for a month to bring them back in line with the Almighty. There's literally tons of back story here and material to delve into including the disappearance of Jesse's parents, the real reasons why he ends up living with his demented Marie and why it is so important that Jesse is returned to his 'family'. In fact Jesse's Grandma shows up time and time again until she is eventually blown straight to Hell when her oxygen tank catches fire in her own home - Think Gustavo Fring but even more explosive!
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.