Preacher Season 3 Finale: 3 Ups & 1 Down From 'The Light Above'


1. Unnecessary Character Deaths

Preacher Cassidy

While the deaths of Marie L'Angelle and Jody were absolutely warranted, it's hard not to be disappointed in the AMC series for killing off some of its best characters during this episode. Hoover, for example, has largely been responsible for much of the show's humour this season (and the previous season, for that matter), so his death - as humorous as it might've been - will severely affect the show moving forward. Furthermore, the fact that he'd become a vampire opened up some great story possibilities, all of which were exterminated when he died.

The real stinger is Eccarius' death. The Les Enfants du Sang storyline was without a doubt Preacher's best attribute this season, and it offered something fresh for viewers when the Angelville storyline started becoming stale. Eccarius showed us a different side to Cassidy, and their relationship was something that could've been explored in more detail in a future season.

Cassidy is still Preacher's best character, and he was given the opportunity to shine more so than ever during Season 3, but Eccarius' death has highlighted that this storyline - as magnificent as it was - was an entire waste of time, and served little purpose other than to establish Cassidy's bisexuality.

What did you enjoy the most from The Light Above? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.