Preacher Season 3 Premiere: 8 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Angelville'

6. The Fight Scenes

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The fight scenes on Preacher have always been top notch, and we were treated to quite a few crackers in Angelville.

First, when Cassidy confessed his love for Tulip to Jesse, the pair engaged in a physical fight. Of course, in typical Preacher fashion, the chosen camera angle focused on Tulip's dead body, as the two men threw each other around the room in the background. Again, as entertaining and comedic as this was, having Tulip's body onscreen highlighted the absurdity of Cassidy and Jesse's altercation. The scene was quintessential Preacher.

Later we saw Jesse face off with Jody, an old family acquaintance that had something to do with the death of Jesse's father. Much like the earlier brawl, the fight was well choreographed and as bloody as you could imagine.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.