Ranking 10 Worst Arrowverse Costumes
7. Spartan
Another faux pas of Arrow's ill-fated fourth season, the show attempted to change the beloved bodyguard John Diggle into something that he wasn't during those dark days.
One of the things that made Diggle such a great asset to the show was how grounded a character he was, meaning that he never needed to dress like a superhero in order to be one. However, those in charge thought it would be a good idea to officially turn him into one when Season 4 began, and with that, Spartan was born.
You would think for making such a big deal out of it, there would actually be something to make a big deal out of. But all it was just Diggle's normal look and a completely unnecessary helmet that might have looked at home if it had been accompanied with the rest of Magneto's outfit.
Yes, it protected his face, but it looked heavy, awkward and clumsy and reduced Diggle to little more than Magneto in street clothes.
Hey, if it ain't broke...