Ranking All 8 Seasons Of Dexter

2. Season 4

dexter morgan michael c hall

Deciding the order of the final two spaces was incredibly difficult and there’s not much between them. Season 4 of Dexter is a near-perfect chunk of television. This is Dexter perfected; it’s not overly complicated, it isn’t trying to break new ground, it just relies on a tried-and-true method for epic storytelling; pitting the likeable, charming hero against an interesting nemesis who is always one step ahead. Add in the incredible acting talents of John Lithgow and you officially have the greatest nemesis in the show’s history.

Trinity is a vile, evil man, made all the worse by how nauseatingly nice he appears in public. A family man and church deacon, beneath it all Trinity is the worst of the worst. John Lithgow received universal acclaim for his role as the Trinity Killer, including winning a Golden Globe and an Emmy Award for the performance. Not to forget, in terms of iconic TV moments, who didn’t get chills down their spine the first time Trinity showed up at Dexter’s work, strode right up to him and said; “Hello, Dexter Morgan.”

The series caps it all off with a final, vicious twist that altered the dynamic of the show going forward. There isn’t really much more you can ask from Dexter. It is nearly the perfect season except for…

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.