Ranking All Seasons Of 24 From Worst To Best

5. Day 2

24 Jack Bauer
20th Television

After the critically acclaimed first season, the writers of 24 had to think of a threat that would elevate the stakes for their second day out. The answer was simple: put a nuclear bomb in Los Angeles and tell us in the first episode that the bomb would detonate at some point that day.

What followed was an impossibly chaotic race. Jack, mourning the death of his wife, was brought out of retirement and thrown back into the fight to hunt down domestic terrorists, mercenary groups and shadowy mastermind conspirators.

The second season was not without its flaws: Kim Bauer's entire plot could have been cut from the season; the introduction of the Warner Family makes for a particularly uncomfortable watch now, and the inter-office politics at CTU got old very quickly.

Highlights of the season did include David Palmer conflicting with his inner circle, George Mason's heroic sacrifice, Tony Almeida taking charge of CTU and of course, Jack technically "dying", and then coming back to life.

Jack's heart issues from toward the end are more entertaining when you see how he disposed of one henchman in the final episode. A hand-to-hand combat scene that is a much-loved moment for all 24 fans.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!