Ranking The Major Buffy The Vampire Slayer Villains From Worst To Best
17. Maggie Walsh
Some may contest Maggie's inclusion in this list, as she was brutally murdered by Adam before she really had the chance to do anything. But for all intents and purposes, she was originally set to be the Big Bad of season four, and it's a shame we never saw what she was truly capable of.
Little is known about what would happen with the character if actress Lindsay Crouse hadn't asked to leave the show, but from her brief stint as the fourth season's villain-in-chief, Maggie at least managed to make attempts on Buffy's life, as well as create Adam, so clearly she was a force to be reckoned with.
Her maternal relationship with Riley always had a somewhat creepy undertone, and her soldier's undying devotion to her could have paved the way for some truly great character moments, but sadly it just was not to be.
Sadly we'll never know the true extent of Maggie's evil, as the last, we saw of her was as one of Adam's zombified minions. Which admittedly, was a rather disturbing twist of fate, but we Buffy fans will always dwell on the possibilities of what could have been if things were different.