Red Dwarf Cast: Where Are They Now?

7. Chris Barrie - Arnold Judas Rimmer

Red Dwarf Tikka to Ride

Chris Barrie, originally named Chris Brown, portrays the uptight hologram Arnold Rimmer in almost every episode of Red Dwarf from 1989 to 2020. The iconic role certainly kept him on his feet, but aside from that Barrie hasn't had a lot of high profile work.

During Red Dwarf's original run throughout the 90s, Barrie had small roles in shows like Noel's House Party, and The Man From Auntie. He also had a starring role in the show The Brittas Empire, as well as Get Fit With Brittas. Just after Red Dwarf's first hiatus began, Barrie played Hilary the Butler in the two Tomb Raider movies from the early 2000s.

Aside from the return of Red Dwarf, Chris Barrie has done very little notable work in either television or film. He's recently lent himself as the narrator of a show called Idiot TV in 2018, as well as Car Crash TV from 2015 - 2018.

Barrie always stole the show with his performance as Rimmer in Red Dwarf, and while the series seems to have found a good home at Dave, it doesn't look as though the actor is in the limelight as much as some of his cast mates.

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Red Dwarf
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A grown up... allegedly