Red Dwarf: Every Series Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Red Dwarf XI

Red Dwarf

Whilst it's still nowhere near as good as the early years, series eleven admirably continued to build on the familiar groundwork that was laid out in series ten. In fact, series eleven even managed to improve upon the show's revival on Dave with some impressive episodes.

'Officer Rimmer' and 'Samsara' were the most notable highlights of this series. In the former, there were some neat callbacks to the original series when Rimmer finally achieves his seemingly impossible quest to become an officer. With a new bio-printer in his hands, he proceeds to create an officer's club full of duplicate Rimmers. In a neat subversion of previous Rimmer-filled episodes though, the original Arnold actually gets on with his newly-printed twins. Marvelous!

'Samsara' plays out like a spiritual sequel to classic episodes 'Justice' and 'Marooned'. Again, the episode is at its best when it plays off riffs from the early years of the show. By reversing the ideas found in 'Justice' - this time, doing bad things meant good things happened as a result - the Dwarfers suddenly had free reign to act like smegheads to each other. Which is exactly what you want to see in a good Red Dwarf episode.

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Writer. Proud owner of a 1950-2000 Grays Sports Almanac. Has never created a dystopian alternate timeline (yet).