Rick & Morty: 10 Ways We're All Like Morty

4. Fear Of The Unknown

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Morty might have the smartest grandfather in the multiverse and go on wild adventures but he never really knows what is on the other side of that portal. Morty always asks Rick questions while they are on their adventures and even voices concern before anything bad has ever happened.

Morty is the normal half of the dup and because of this, he doesn't have a vast knowledge of interdimensional creatures or laws. This makes Morty afraid of most of the things he doesn't understand.

And this is an okay trait for Morty to have, just as all of us have it as well. Our mind cannot comprehend what it doesn't know and therefore it triggers our mind to experience fear which in turn leads to seeking safety for survival. Mortys mind works the same way and that is why he is able to survive so long on Ricks adventures.

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Self proclaimed master of anime, heathen, and all around good dude. "These bio's make me feel weird... just follow me on twitter or something. Enjoy the read!"