Rick And Morty: 10 Worst Things Rick Has Done

4. Abandon All Those Jerrys

Rick And Morty
Adult Swim

Typically, we only think of our Rick, C-137, unless there’s an episode with the Council Of Ricks. There are some theories that a few episodes have dealt with storylines not involving ‘our’ Rick too, but for the most part he’s the one we focus on.

However, it’s easy to forget that Ricks exist in every dimension, and that he’s a jerk in most of them. We see him drop off Jerry at Jerry Daycare while he heads to Blips & Chits with Morty. While that’s a little insulting, Jerry is perfectly safe and he does eventually come back for him.

Other Jerrys aren’t so lucky. There’s lots of Jerrys staying there, each from different realities with slightly different circumstances. They’re all very ‘Jerry’, being neurotic, irritating and whiny, but all rather harmless too. However, they’re all abandoned there by Rick. While ours has only been there an afternoon, most have been abandoned there for much, much longer.

As is pointed out when our Jerry gets indignant, they’re all free to leave at any time. But without Rick to pick them up, where exactly are they supposed to go?


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)